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How To Design Embroidered Patches

The creation of an embroidery friendly design is the first step towards a satisfactory patch project. Creating something digital that has to be later transformed in to something that is physical needs foresight and experience. We understand that artwork design is one of the most crucial aspects to consider, as it can make or break your embroidered patch project. It is the most important factor to consider before your order your custom embroidered patches. So […]

How To Make Embroidered Patches

Creating patches is a very popular and creative way to express your association with a particular group, company, institution, cause or ideology but certainly not limited to these. People have been using patches to identify themselves, their teams, staff and employees. Patches are customized to display exclusive club memberships or even share political or religious beliefs or views, hence you can create custom patches to exercise freedom of expression and freedom of speech in a […]

What is a PVC Patch Mockup?

We at UltraPatches are the experts at making PVC patches. While submitting their designs and before placing an order, our customers often ask us how their custom PVC patches would look like. Customers want to see before they place an order whether their patches would turn out to be artistically pleasing or not. For this reason and to remove any doubts we create PVC patch mockups. A PVC patch mockup can help you to visualize […]

What is Embroidery Coverage and How To Calculate It

One of the most important and crucial aspects to consider when you order your custom embroidered patches is to decide on the embroidery coverage, because this decision can make or break your patch design and also the bank. What is it? How do you do that? Does it make a difference? Yes it does, and below we will explain you the basics and the calculations to do that properly. Manufacturing an embroidered patch requires two […]

How to Design the Perfect Patch

If you’re looking to create custom patches to boost team morale, raise awareness for a cause, promote a business, create stock for an online store, or otherwise, the first step is to design the perfect custom patch! If you’re wondering where and how to start, you’re on the right page. Today, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the custom patch design process. Brainstorming Your Custom Patches During this first stage, you want to establish […]